

Re-stumping and re-blocking subsequently mean the same thing, however it is commonly known as re-stumping. Re-stumping is the procedure of replacing old timber stumps with new concrete stumps; it is the process of resetting the foundation and levels of the house. On the surface your stumps may appear perfect, but underlying damage occurs below the surface causing timber rot and distorted structure. This can have great effects on structural integrity.

It is extremely crucial for your home to have a strong level foundation. Older houses often require re-stumping due to movement in the soil, changing weather conditions, minor earthquakes and old timber stumps rotting. Re-stumping a house is one of the first jobs for anyone renovating a house is to consider. Foundations are the key to a long lasting renovation and when done at the initial stages, before any other major works are started will save you time and your money in the long run!

Why should you consider Re-blocking?

There are many reasons for Re-blocking or re-stumping.

  1. When you have slanting or uneven floors
  2. Considering major renovation to an older house
  3. Have wide spread moisture in the foundations
  4. House is more than 30 years old
  5. Drying caused by drought can cause cracks and stumps to move
  6. When house is built on reactive clay, fill or other unstable soils, this can lead to cracking in brick walls and movement in foundations
  7. Having strong concrete stump replacements prevents rot and the expansion that occurs when temperature changes rapidly.
Signs that you may have sub-floor problems
  1. Gaps around doors and windows
  2. Cracks in plaster or bricks
  3. Bouncy and spongy floors
  4. Sticking and misaligned windows or doors
  5. Water intrusion
  6. Unpleasant odor coming from subfloors
Benefits of Re-blocking
  1. Reduction of indoor floor squeaking.
  2. Cracked wall prevention.
  3. Prevention of warped doors.
  4. Strong more resistant stumps and no wood rot
  5. Occupants can remain in the property as work can be undertaken from outside